Directed by David Shane of O Positive and conceived by Wieden+Kennedy New York for the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), this short film titled “Naughty or…” depicts Santa Claus coming to terms with outdated notions of “naughty.” He acknowledges that the old ways of dealing with our kids’ behavior problems no longer reflect the troubling issues they face daily — “the news, the lockdown drills, the internet.” Santa poses the idea that there are many other possibilities to consider other than the “naughty or nice” Xmas standby, including “nervous or nice,” “hurting or nice,” and “uncomfortable in my own skin or nice.” For kids who are struggling, “naughty or nice” is not a sophisticated enough evaluation.
“The holidays were always stressful in my house with extended family visiting and noticing how much the kids had grown and changed,” said Katrina Gay, national director of strategic partnerships at NAMI. “There is more intense pressure than ever on our kids to be successful and an expectation that they behave a certain way. But many young people suffer from mental health vulnerabilities. So, instead of making a snap judgment to label their actions as bad behavior, this film encourages all of us to be more compassionate and look a little deeper.”
The short will run on NAMI’s YouTube channel.