Titled “Thomas,” this spec piece for The Trevor Project–directed and conceptualized by Adriano Falconi and produced by Lighthouse Films–tells the story of Thomas, a 13 year old boy, sensitive and introverted. Thomas likes to wear girls’ dresses. But the small town of Brevard, NC is no place to be different. The woods have become Thomas’ free-judgment-playground. Determined to face his fear, Thomas eventually goes back to his neighbors to parade his true self.
Falconi recalled, “(Lighthouse founder) Brad Walker and I didn’t have a budget for this project so when I wrote the piece, we didn’t have any clue how far this film would take us. I knew I wanted to tell the story of a teenager, whose great sensitivity caused him to be an outsider. The idea of making it into a piece for a good cause came as I started working on Thomas’s character. Drew Hauge, who played Thomas, didn’t have any dance background so we rehearsed twice a week, for a month, with choreographer Alyona Amato.”
Director Falconi is currently unaffiliated with a production company and is seeking representation in the ad market.