Created by BBDO New York and directed by Jess Coulter of O Positive, this PSA for the American Red Cross shows that while time is precious, we frequently spend it on low priority activities. Titled “You’ve Got Time,” the spot departs from the emotional storytelling norm of the American Red Cross, and deploys in a good-natured way a catchy new song and a touch of humor to show people that everyone has time to make a potentially lifesaving change–in this case to volunteer time for the installation of smoke alarms to protect people and communities from fire danger.
More people die every year from home fires than all natural disasters combined. Smoke alarms can cut the risk of death in half, yet many households still lack working smoke alarms. That’s why the American Red Cross is rallying thousands of volunteers to install 50,000 free smoke alarms nationwide during its Sound the Alarm events in May. This PSA helps us realize that we have the time to volunteer for something so important.
Client American Red Cross Agency BBDO New York David Lubars, chief creative director, worldwide; Greg Hahn, chief creative officer, NY (at the time this work was originally conceived back in 2020; he is now CCO at Mischief@No Fixed Address); Roberto Danino, SVP, creative director; Mariana Oliveira, Sei Rey Ho, associate creative directors/art directors; Joaquin Salim, associate creative director/copywriter; David Rolfe, head of integrated production (at the time this work was originally done; he is now global head of production, WPP and Hogarth); Sofia Handler, VP, executive producer; Jason Guzman, producer; Julia Millison, music producer. Production O Positive Jess Coulter, director; Eric Steelberg, DP; Jason Reda, line producer; Ralph Laucella, Marc Grill, exec producers. Editorial MackCut Nick Divers, editor; Brandon Isralasky, assistant editor; Gina Pagano, producer. Post/VFX There Studios Conform/Finish There Studios Leslie Sorrentino, exec producer; Richard Shelgren, producer; Elliot Jobe, creative director; Matthew Rappaport, compositor. Telecine Company 3 Sofie Borup, colorist; Alexandra Lubrano, producer. Sound MackCut Sam Shaffer, engineer. Music Walker
How do you top one of the most viral brand videos ever made? Spoiler alert: you can’t. But when Dollar Shave Club tapped Zack Seckler to direct a new campaign to revive the absurdist humor of its iconic launch video, he knew he had a rare opportunity to create something special.
The brief was simple: introduce the concept of a physical “Club” that people would love to join while showcasing Dollar Shave Club’s products and embracing the weird. From script to direction and post, Seckler--an alum of SHOOT’s 2021 New Directors Showcase--was invited to help sculpt that vision.
The result is this “Welcome to the Club” spot which invites us to join a unique, seemingly exclusive but in reality an accessible and affordable fraternity of Dollar Shave Club members. But you need to know the password or more accurately, the two-word phrase--"shave money."
“The Club” campaign brings the brand back to its humorous roots, reflecting a new chapter after being acquired by Nexus Capital Management from Unilever in late 2023. The work takes Dollar Shave Club back to its disruptive beginnings and what made the brand a viral sensation from its inception in 2011.