Directed by Nick Piper of Backyard for Minneapolis-based agency Mithun, this lighthearted spot titled “Slant House” depicts the misfortunes and comic inconveniences that arise for a couple who built their dream house on a hill.
The incline causes their dishes to slide, drawers to fall open and vacuuming to be a most arduous chore. But thanks to their new Toro all-wheel-drive lawnmower (and the redesigned, easy to use Z Tractor), mowing their steep lawn is a piece of cake.
Client Toro Agency Mithun, Minneapolis David Carter, chief creative officer; Angie Schoemer, producer; Randy Gerda, associate creative director/art director; Joe Stefanson, associate creative director/copywriter. Production Backyard Nick Piper, director; Terence Maritz, DP; Blair Stribley, president/partner; Chris Zander, managing director/partner; Emily Malito, head of production. Janette De Villiers, exec producer (South Africa); Debra Stubbs, head of production (South Africa); Mel Charrington, line producer (South Africa). Editorial Channel Z Mike Weldon, lead editor. VFX/Finishing VOLT Studios Steve Medin, owner/creative director. Music Finger Music
This Tết (Vietnamese for Lunar New Year), Apple launches its second “Shot on iPhone” campaign for Vietnam, this year collaborating on a music video with chart topping Gen Z superstar, Wren Evans.
Titled “Save the Music,” the music video was directed by C Prinz via production house SMUGGLER for TBWA\Media Arts Lab (Southeast Asia) and showcases the camera capabilities of the iPhone 16 Pro--shot by cinematographer Mike Altskan.
“Save the Music” celebrates Evans’ love of music, pride in Vietnamese creativity and inspires others to follow that creative path.
[video width="640" height="360" mp4=""][/video] Read More