A new campaign, titled “What’s the Matter with Owen,” includes a series of television spots that tells the story of a college graduate who has just been hired as a programmer at GE. Thrilled with the new job, Owen will apply his skills to developing programming that helps revolutionize the way the world works. But much to his surprise, his family and friends think GE is just a manufacturing company.
In the commercial titled “Zazzies,” Owen’s job doesn’t look quite as thrilling as the new gig another colleague has landed–a job with an inane app development company called Zazzies.
The overall campaign introduces us to Owen, a programmer for the digital industrial age. Later this month, Owen will take over GE’s owned social media channels to talk about his early days on the job while posting behind-the-scenes moments.
Client GE Agency BBDO New York David Lubars, chief creative officer, worldwide; Greg Hahn, chief creative officer, NY; Michael Aimette, executive creative director; Judd Counsell, creative director/copywriter; Anne Lac, creative director/art director; George Sholley, executive producer; Theresa Reyes, producer; Joe Croson, associate director of interactive production; Mo Twine, interactive producer; Jason Merenda, Jessica Andrew, Jorge Brake, designers. Production Anonymous Content Tim Godsall, director; Rick Jarjoura, exec producer; Betsy Oliver, line producer. Editorial Arcade Edit Greg Scruton, editor; Laurel Smoliar, assistant editor; Sila Soyer, exec producer; Joanna Hall, producer. Audio Post Sonic Union
FCB Health New York, an IPG Health company, and SAFE Project have joined forces to create “The Snowball,” a short film that spotlights winter as a common catalyst for dangerous increases in alcohol consumption. In collaboration with creative studio LOBO, “The Snowball” combines a compelling visual metaphor with cutting-edge animation and a haunting soundtrack from Billie Holiday.
As millions embrace “Dry January,” the onset of colder, shorter winter days still leads to an uptick in alcohol misuse, which can lead to liver cirrhosis and other medical maladies and dangerous consequences for one’s life. Speaking to casual drinkers, “The Snowball” visually illustrates how anyone is at risk of becoming addicted to alcohol during this time of year when external climate variables can lead to excess consumption, even if the drinker does not immediately realize it.
Making good on the metaphor, the film follows one man as a quick liquor run gradually devolves into a full-blown addiction as a snowball gradually grows beside him, engulfing his whole life and eventually causing his demise. Set to the tune of Billie Holiday’s “Everything I Have Is Yours,” the film’s pathos is drawn from the sonic integrity of Holiday’s original recording maintained in the sound design as well as the singer’s tragic battle with substance abuse.
This entirely animated film was created using a hands-on, collaborative process rooted in traditional animation techniques, with every aspect of the artwork creation, design, and craftsmanship crafted entirely by human hands. AI-driven tools and processes were brought in during the animation rendering stage, helping the film achieve a distinct visual style that would have been difficult to achieve through... Read More