Directed by John Christopher Pina, “Not Made For Normal” is the latest film in a campaign produced in close collaboration between adidas Brand Design and Miniac Films. The first short, which launched earlier this year, focused on adidas Climachill’s cooling technology revealed in a quietly beautiful look at how technology and determination keep people moving in high temperatures. In contrast, the new “Not Made For Normal” was filmed in Santiago, Chile and in the Andes, and features world-class, champion athletes Brianna Felnagel, Sharika Nelvis, and Jason Richardson performing at their highest level in brutally cold conditions with the help of adidas Climaheat.
In “Not Made For Normal,” black and white footage of the athletes’ performance in this wintry setting strikes at the heart of the conditions stellar competitors endure. The b&w scenes also distinguish the narrative from the product shots. The action sequences–striking, intense, and often fast-paced–contrast with the considered, slow motion product scenes, to convey the feeling that despite rough conditions you can always count on the product’s technology.
“Not Made For Normal” is being featured on digital and social channels, as well as in adidas retail stores.