Elastic produced this animated film, narrated by Whoppi Goldberg, which tells the story of how, in the rubble of the 9/11 disaster, rescue workers recovered a single Callery pear tree which, though tarnished, was eventually revitalized and is now a healthy tree that is actually on display on the grounds outside the museum. It is both a symbol of that tragic day as well as a “living reminder of how we rose from the dark. With the power of hope, there’s nothing so bad that we can’t overcome it.”
This film is at the center of a campaign timed to coincide with the 13th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Created pro bono by BBDO New York, the campaign aims to help promote awareness and drive visits to the 9/11 Memorial & Museum which is open to the public on the occasion of 9/11 for the first time.
The campaign was developed pro-bono by BBDO New York along with the generous contributions from a number of other volunteer partners including Elastic, Frisbie Music, Henry Boy, and Sonic Union.
The other key element of this year’s planned 9/11 Memorial & Museum effort is a new donation website that invites visitors to “Donate-a-Tweet” by tweeting out messages of remembrance and donating 25 cents per character tweeted. The site integrates the user’s Twitter accounts and is now live.