The six industry leaders initially appointed to the Television Academy’s Board of Governors Executive Committee by chair Cris Abrego in May 2024 will all return to serve the Academy in 2025.
These appointees and industry innovators are Paul Buccieri, president and chairman, A+E Networks Group; Dany Garcia, founder, CEO and chairwoman, The Garcia Companies, and co-founder, Seven Bucks Productions; Pearlena Igbokwe, chairman of NBC Entertainment; John Landgraf, chairman, FX; Amy Reisenbach, president, CBS Entertainment; and Brandon Riegg, vice president, nonfiction series, Netflix. They will advise Abrego and the 2025 board on some of the most important issues and initiatives facing the television industry while helping to shape the organization’s direction.
Additionally, the Television Academy’s Board of Governors has elected the following Peer Group Governors as their representatives on the Executive Committee for the 2025 term: Wendy Aylsworth (Science & Technology), Eddie Bonin (Special Visual Effects), David Hartle (Production Executives) and Christina Lee (Public Relations). They join chair Abrego (Reality Programming), vice chair Sharon Lieblein (Casting Directors), 2nd vice chair Rickey Minor (Music), treasurer Ann Leslie Uzdavinis (Commercials) and secretary Allison Binder (Professional Representatives).