Six months after becoming global CEO of Draftfcb, Carter Murray is changing the agency’s name to FCB (Foote, Cone & Belding).
“Two distinct brands, Draft and FCB, were merged together seven years ago,” said Murray. “The entities have united and now have one seamless offering. It’s time to simplify our brand name as well to reflect our focused identity and direction.”
Specifically, the global network will be called FCB (Foote, Cone & Belding), with an important local element celebrated market-by-market. Typically, each office will add the city in which they operate, for instance, FCB Shanghai, FCB Paris or FCB Chicago, using a diagonal line through the B and the first letter of the local moniker. In some markets we will add the name of an acquired company such as in London, where the office will be FCB Inferno, due to the local equity and relevance of the acquired company. In instances where there is an agency with specific expertise, it will take on that name, as with FCB Health. And, in rare cases, the name of a highly respected creative leader will be used to further enhance the office’s delivery and reputation. That is the situation in New York, where the agency is being renamed FCB Garfinkel.
Offices will introduce the new brand name with a colorful logo design. It loosely depicts the colors of country flags from around the world, incorporating their local attributes while embodying the strength of our global network.
Importantly, Howard Draft remains executive chairman and key advisor to Murray. “Howard has been incredibly supportive of me and the direction we are taking the company,” said Murray. “All of the capabilities that made Draft such an industry leader remain essential to the future of FCB, including CRM, analytics, retail and activation. We will continue to invest in and deliver on all of these while ensuring a strong overall creative product.”