The Denver Film Society will host its inaugural CineLatino Film Festival September 25-28 to coincide with Hispanic Heritage month. The four-day long festival will celebrate the best in cinema from Latin America, Mexico, Europe and the United States. CineLatino will kick off Thursday, September 25, at the SieFilmCenter with the film Water & Power with director Richard Montoya in-person for a post screening Q&A.
The Festival will present eight feature length films, three documentaries and one interactive web series. Highlights include: The Man Behind The Mask, with Lucha Libre star and subject of the film, El Hijo del Santo in person, along with the director, Gabriela Obregon; a special screening of Who Is Dayani Cristal? starring Gael Garcia Bernal; a panel discussion with the Colorado-based ProjectEnye team, Denise Cox and producer Henry Ansbacher; and the Closing Night film, Frontera, staring Eva Longoria, Michael Peña and Ed Harris.
“The Denver Film Society is excited for CineLatino’s inaugural year. We are planting the seed for a yearly event that becomes part of the cultural tapestry of Denver during Hispanic Heritage month” said Denver Film Society programming manager Ernie Quiroz.
All-access Festival passes are on sale now. A complete Festival pass to CineLatino is $50 for DFS members and $60 for non-members. The pass includes guaranteed seating to all films, as well as access to all special events, receptions and parties. Visit for more information. Individual tickets to CineLatino will go on sale September 1.