From Kevin Bacon to Lily Tomlin, stars say they can't get enough of the Sundance Film Festival.
Keanu Reeves, coming off his hit "John Wick," stars in Eli Roth's psycho-sexual horror movie "Knock Knock."
"It's really exciting to start 2015 off with a premiere here at Sundance," he said. "Just meeting with other filmmakers, you know you're passing people. You're seeing people that you're like, 'Hey I love your work. I love that movie. What are you doing?' You're talking to show and business. It's just great to — and also you're seeing people that you haven't seen for a while so — the family, the team is getting back together again. So there's a lot of it that's really great."
Bacon walked the festival's crowded Main Street with wife Kyra Sedgwick, noting that he first visited in 1989 with her.
"It was coming back to me today, because our journey form upper Main Street to down here was — you know — it's a pretty intense kind of trip — and it was so mellow, man. It was just a handful of people there," he said. "We kind of strolled into the theater and we watched The Big Picture and talked about it a little bit afterwards and eventually we went home and I never could have imagined what it would become."
Tomlin said she went to see a movie with Jane Fonda about an alien visit to Earth before making the rounds to promote her movie, "Grandma."
"I went to a movie last night. I had dinner at Redford's place Zoom with a bunch of people. I began to get the feel of the place, like how much fun it is for movie freaks to be here and seeing all these movies and sharing that experience and going from place to place — going to a movie at 8:30 in the morning and going at midnight, with movies in between," she said.
Ethan Hawke returned to the festival with "Ten Thousand Saints" and another Oscar nomination under his belt for "Boyhood," which premiered at Sundance last year.
"The truth is I've had a lot of fun at this festival. We premiered 'Before Sunrise' here. We premiered 'Reality Bites' here. Those were really pivotal moments in my life," he said. "And 'Before Midnight' premiered here, 'Boyhood.' It's a little good luck charm for me. I've never had a movie I wasn't proud of to be associated with here."
The Sundance Film Festival runs through next weekend.