LightHouse Films has added director Johan Stahl to its roster. Based in Denmark, Stahl was previously handled in the U.S.…
Browsing: LightHouse Films
New York-based commercial production company LightHouse Films has signed car director Julien Rocher for U.S. representation. Represented by Wanda in…
LightHouse Films has signed director Romain Quirot for exclusive representation in the North American market. Based in Paris, Quirot will…
Commercial production company LightHouse Films has signed B Lush Creative (Deirdre Rymer & Associates) for representation on the West Coast,…
Creative video agency and commercial production company LightHouse Films–headed by owner/EP Thibaut Estellon–has signed director Antoine Pai for exclusive representation…
Bicoastal commercial and integrated production company Chelsea Pictures has named Doug Stephen of independent repping firm Doug Stephen & Partners…
Paris animation company Lord of Barbes (formerly Mr. Hyde) has signed stop-motion animator/director Eric Montchaud. Lord Montchaud is well-known for…