Joel Coen’s Solo Directorial Debut Distills “Macbeth” Down To The Boneย Wednesday, December 22, 2021 In Joel and Ethan Coen's "Inside Llewyn Davis," Oscar Isaac's folk musician is trying to make it on his own,…
American Society of Cinematographersย To Honor Elmes, Morgan, Delbonnel, McCuaig Wednesday, October 23, 2019 The American Society of Cinematographers (ASC) will celebrate the work of four trailblazing cinematographers at the 34th ASC Awards for…
DP Bruno Delbonnel Reunites With The Coen Brothers On Netflix’s “Buster Scruggs” Thursday, November 8, 2018 ”You cannot turn down a Coen brothers movie,” affirmed cinematographer Bruno Delbonnel, AFC, ASC in explaining why he immediately committed…