Death by giant squid is an unlikely fate—particularly in one’s own swimming pool. But that scenario is played out to…
Browsing: Top Spot of the Week
A man in tight close-up identifies himself as retired U.S. vice admiral Jack Shanahan."One of our nuclear bombs blows up…
Just before the launch of Sony’s latest gaming product, PlayStation 2 (PS2), a great urban legend was being built up…
Tomatoes that toast the tootsies aren’t tasty. That’s the offbeat premise of this :30 for canned Red Gold Tomatoes, out…
It’s a testimonial: "My father always did his shopping…" recalls a young woman, addressing the camera, "After the … stores…
The creative prospects for devising an entertaining spot to promote a glass art exhibit at a museum would hardly seem…
Helping people realize their dreams seems to come naturally for a pleasant, sweet-talking spokeswoman. "How’d you like to try on…
A darkened room sets the stage for a romantic interlude. But it’s in the morning-after light that reality sets in,…
Paint is a common prop for performance troupe Blue Man Group, whose singular theatrical act incorporates bizarre stunts, percussive music,…
A conservative young couple rings a doorbell in an apartment complex. The door swings open, revealing a condescending host who…