Browsing: News

CLIENTKimberly-Clark Corp./Kleenex ColdCare.PRODUCTION CO.Nocturnal Commercials, New York. Matthew Badger, director; Tami Reiker, DP; Ian Hunter, executive producer; Paula Cohen, producer.…

CLIENTProcter & Gamble/Millstone Coffee.PRODUCTION CO.Chelsea Pictures, New York. Simon Blake, director; Gary Waller, DP; Allison Amon, executive producer; Marcello Blue,…

CLIENTGuinness Bass Import Company/Bass Ale.PRODUCTION CO.Curious Pictures, New York. David Kelley, director; David Norton, DP; David Starr and Richard Winkler,…

CLIENTToyota Motor Sales/Toyota Sienna.PRODUCTION CO.The Artists Company, bicoastal. Gregory Maya, director; Tami Reiker, DP; Roberto Cecchini, executive producer; Leanne Amos,…

Roger Hunt, executive producer at Beverly Hills-headquartered The End, has been named to head the production company’s operations, which also…

Arnold Communications, Boston, takes the "communications" aspect of its name very seriously. "We believe in collaboration," says Keith Dezen, senior…

Postproduction facilities are facing technological and economic challenges as they turn the corner into the next millennium. The buildup to…