Browsing: Features

Music libraries have grown increasingly sophisticated and eclectic in their offerings. Long gone are the days when production music simply…

Stock footage companies have literally been filling holes in commercials for years. In its simplest role, stock footage libraries provide…

The rapid pace of change in the color correction sector continues, and as new tools and techniques emerge, the fundamentals…

The frenzy of advertising awards show season will culminate later this month with the Cannes International Advertising Festival. Several spots…

It’s not a new phenomenon–a growing number of edit houses have offices in different markets. Mad River Post has shops…

This week’s focus on editors and colorists takes a look at a trio of telecine operators who are creating buzz…

This week, SHOOT is highlighting its 3rd Annual New Directors Showcase. So, for the series on agency creative, we asked…

A trio of production houses played integral roles in the development and making of commercials designed to drive traffic to…