Browsing: News

CLIENTCanon USA/Elph 2.PRODUCTION CO.Cosimo & Company, New York. Cosimo, director/DP; Irene Scianna, executive producer; Mora Killeen, producer. Shot at Silvercup…

Confronted with a miniscule production budget and a need to make a major impact, Austin, Texas-based agency GSD&M has for…

Waiting in line for lottery tickets is hardly a moving experience—unless it’s for the Minnesota Lottery, which grooves to its…

Before scheduling a shoot in the first or second week in January, clients, agencies and production houses should carefully consider…

Publicly traded, Englewood, Colo.-based cable and communications conglomerate Liberty Media Corporation (NYSE: LMG.A., LMG.B) has entered into a letter of…

CLIENTKraft/General Foods International Coffee.PRODUCTION CO.Pogo Pictures, Atlanta. Steve Colby, director; Rob Robinson, DP; Richard Samson, producer. Shot on location in…

CLIENTMerrill Lynch.PRODUCTION CO.Cohn & Company, New York. Paul Goldman, director; Christos Voudouris, DP; Tony Cunningham, executive producer; Gina Contaldi, producer.…

CLIENTMrs. T’s Pierogies/Mrs. T’s ‘Rogies.PRODUCTION CO.Five Union Square Productions, New York. Tom Schiller, director; Ed Stephenson, DP; Barbara Gold, executive…