Browsing: Feature

Let’s start by clearing up some misconceptions about Australia. First, most Australians don’t drink Fosters; their most popular beer is…

It was an impressive sight: 50,000 screaming fans gathered in a huge football stadium, watching 11 players face off against…

The broadcast production department of an advertising agency seems to be one place where The Peter Principle doesn’t apply. The…

The critical area of color correction looks poised to be one of the most discussed and debated segments of postproduction.…

In this week’s Special Report on editors, SHOOT canvassed editorial house owners, editors and executives to get their opinions on…

Despite staggering budget deficits in cities and states throughout the country—which have resulted in reduced funding for and in some…

Solo piano improvisation, sampled instrumental sounds and a live chamber orchestra provided soundtracks for the top three picks on SHOOT’s…