In this stop-motion animation film narrated by Gael GarcÃa Bernal, Corona shows how its history is entwined with Mexico’s. Created in…
Browsing: Film: Short
People with visual disabilities see clearly without bias as they interview job applicants, reaching decisions that aren’t based on appearance…
This latest film in The New York Times' “The Truth Is Worth It” campaign from Droga5 NY explores global terrorism…
Three-time (Gravity, Birdman, The Revenant) Oscar-winning cinematographer Emmanuel “Chivo” Lubezki directed (with co-director Chris Wilcha) and shot this short film heralding the coming…
This four-minute video for Vicks Philippines–directed by Alan Harca and produced by Elastic Films and Provill for Publicis Singapore–introduces us to…
Mercedes-Benz’ latest global brand film celebrates the confidence and vision of Bertha Benz–Carl Benz’ business partner and wife–who was instrumental…
Director Reed Morano, an Emmy and DGA Award winner for The Handmaid’s Tale, helmed this short film starring Ryan Reynolds…
Distracted driving is currently responsible for 9 deaths and over 1,000 injuries each day in the U.S.To address this problem…
Ridley Scott of RSA Films directed this epic short for Hennessy X.O. out of agency DDB Paris. A :60 version…
Sallyanne Massimini, a 2018 SHOOT New Directors Showcase alum, directed, wrote, lensed and produced a short titled N.I., billed as the…