This short film titled Mom Talk is part of a digital series of trailers directed by Arturo Perez Jr. to promote…
Browsing: Comedy
A man applies lipstick, blush, eye shadow and the like to his face, struggles into a pair of tights, then…
Jason Statham’s surreal world of play is front and center in this launch spot for LG Mobile’s “Life’s Good When…
Comic Strip is based on a simple idea: there is freedom in restriction. Like newspaper strips from your childhood were…
Coach (played by Andy Samberg) rallies a team of Monster Strike characters at halftime.
A flock of sheep sings "Somebody to Love" in this Super Bowl spot for Honda Ridgeline. The crooning sheep are…
After a group enjoys a meal at a restaurant, one guy says he’s picking up the check–except he’s an alligator…
Season 4 of "Child of the '70s," the brainchild of Michael Vaccaro, is a parody of and a loving homage…
WhybinTBWA Sydney and Foxtel’s in house creative agency, Felix, have launched a major new “Make it Yours” Foxtel campaign showcasing…’s offbeat spokesman Captain Obvious is running for the presidency of the United States–and in this spot he’s literally running…