Apple has unveiled the fifth installment of its “Apple at Work” film series, “The Underdogs: OOO (Out Of Office).” Our…
Browsing: Comedy
Coffee mate is embracing the love for all types of coffee and coffee moments–moving beyond just morning coffee–as showcased in…
Here’s a film title for you: “Imagine A World Where Detergent Doesn’t Come In Plastic Containers”Well, that’s pretty much all…
Al Roker, “America’s Weatherman,” is featured in this commercial for BMW’s annual Summer Sales Event, part of a campaign from…
Topgolf rolled out its latest iteration of the “Come Play” campaign this month via Anomaly, in partnership with RSA Films…
Ad agency Signal Theory collaborated with creative studio SixTwentySix and director/editor Evan Bourque on a campaign for the American Pecan…
Directed by Aaron Stoller of Biscuit Filmworks for Saatchi & Saatchi, this Tide spot titled “Stains Happen to the Best…
Euros 2024 marks the launch of Sky Bet’s latest campaign with Grey London: “Tournament Turmoil.” This campaign, building on Sky…
Apple’s latest back-to-school campaign for Mac consists of three spots–including this one titled “Powered”–directed by Tom Kuntz of MJZ and…
Apple Card has just launched its second installment of the “Reboot Your Credit Card” campaign with three humorous and cinematic…