After Nielsen's brutal morning-after report cards for the Oscars and Grammys this winter, it's worth…
Some things are universal about being a teenager: The budding sexuality and sense of identity,…
Just as history enshrines its heroes, it aggrandizes its villains.The most fearsome perpetrators of evil…
Go ahead, pick your favorite young, villain-vanquishing fantasy heroine. Meg Murry probably came first.Katniss Everdeen?…
Watching the Israeli film "Foxtrot " is like watching a dream play out.Writer-director Samuel Maoz's…
In the James Bond films, sex with a globe-trotting spy seems to be fun, fun,…
If you want to get Tracy Letts in your movie — and that might be…
"The Shimmer" is the name given to the mysterious phenomenon that, after a meteor strike,…
A murder mystery party goes sideways when violent kidnappers arrive before the fake ones in…
Sally Potter's new film "The Party " is 71 minutes long.That fact alone shouldn't necessarily…
One of the first images in the film "Nostalgia" is of an heirloom necklace dangling…
As production and post execs look to the new year, SHOOT surveyed them on their…
Saoirse Ronan is eyeing the lobster salad at Spago in Beverly Hills and has a…
Aaron Sorkin has a knack for timing, and not just in the obvious way.The Oscar-winning…
With echoes of "Rebecca" and lavish Max Ophuls productions, writer and director Paul Thomas Anderson…
It's hard to say what's better about the first half of Alexander Payne's wonderfully weird…
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Shoot Screenwork
Cannes Gold Lion Film Craft winners “Robbery” and “Funeral” for AXE deodorant were standout ads…