Z Group Films, the recently launched Chicago-based spot production company, has expanded its directorial roster by three.
The new additions are Paul Cotter, who is repped by The Artists Company, London, for U.K. jobs; Bill Youmans, who will maintain his 20-year-old Chicago-based Bill Youmans Productions for non-commercial projects; and Cincinnati-based Jeff Barklage, a longtime DP who is moving into tabletop direction through Z Group Films. Barklage continues to be repped for DP work by L.A.-based Orlando Management.
Z Group Films signed Cotter, a U.K. native, on the strength of a self-financed three-spot spec reel the director assembled. It includes an anti-smoking PSA, "Stupid," written by Justin Hooper, a copywriter at Ogilvy & Mather, London; the Polo Mints spot "Polish Man," scripted by Hooper and London-based freelance copywriter Richard Beesening; and a Boddington’s Ale spot, "Old Man," written by Cotter and Chicago-based freelance producer Serena Harragin.
In "Stupid," a woman walks into a store and requests a pack of menthol light cigarettes. After the shopkeeper places a pack in front of her, there is a cut to a close-up of the Surgeon General’s heart disease warning on the pack. She protests, "I don’t want these; I want those." He places a different brand before her; its warning label indicates that smoking could be hazardous to pregnant women. She then smugly tells the storeowner, "I’m not pregnant." The tag: "You don’t have to be stupid to smoke. But it helps." The PSA has aired in southern Illinois, and was sponsored by that state’s Office of the Attorney General.
The concept for Polo Mints, a popular British product which resembles Life Savers, involves a twist on Polo’s famous tagline "The mint with a hole," which was changed to "the mint with a Pole." The spot depicts a ranting Polish man (who speaks in Polish throughout the spot). He’s seen in various settings, pointing out circular objects with holes in them.
Z Group Films principal/ executive producer Dan Zigulich said that Cotter was brought to his attention by company director Seth Henrikson, who had attended film school with Cotter. "Paul does comedy and dialogue," said Zigulich. "Not only was his reel funny, but I thought the concepts were excellent—especially considering it was spec work."
After starting out as a reporter/researcher at BBC Radio in the late ’80s, Cotter came to the U.S. to attend film school in ’92. In ’97, he earned an MFA in cinema and film from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Ill. Cotter then worked in the Nashville and Chicago markets as a camera assistant on music videos and spots.
Deciding to devote his full efforts to launching a directing career, Cotter helmed the spec spots over a year’s time in Chicago. When he finished, he returned to London in July ’99 to shop his reel around; he signed with Artists Company last fall. He recently also signed with Denmark-based Zentropa Commercials, which sells him in Germany, France, Sweden and Denmark.
"Going back to London wasn’t my original plan," said Cotter, who now divides his time between London and Chicago. "I was actually excited about being in the States; I’d been here for eight years by that time. This was the kind of filmmaking community I’d grown up in and I really enjoyed it. But when I shot the spec spots, I realized they were very British in style. So I went back, really, to put my toe in the water. I thought I’d lost my chance of staying in Chicago, so when Ziggy [Zigulich] gave me the chance [to join Z Group Films], I leapt at it."
Zigulich said he’d known Youmans for awhile, and that the two began discussing a possible working relationship around a year ago. The talks recently resulted in a signed deal. "Bill’s a wonderfully talented guy; he’s a sweetheart and we’re lucky to have him," said Zigulich. "I think he’s very well-liked and can do some great work for us. Right now, we’re pretty much going after light comedy, dialogue and kids’ projects for him." Among Youmans’ credits are spots for Sears via Ogilvy & Mather, Chicago; Collard & Bowser English Toffee via Arnold Communications, Boston; and a client-direct spot for the Italian Department of Tourism.
Through his DP work, Barklage has garnered extensive experience shooting tabletop projects. "He’s a rigging and camera nut," said Zigulich. "He’s a micro-problem-solver; he’s got the mentality for tabletop." Barklage’s DP credits include spots for Folgers, Budweiser and Oil of Olay, among others.
Cotter, Youmans and Barklage join a Z Group Films directorial roster also comprised of Bryan Papierski and Henrikson. The company is repped by director of sales and marketing Wendy Robbins.