To better reflect the creative contributions made by editors to spotmaking, the Association of Independent Commercial Editors has changed its name to the Association of Independent Creative Editors (AICE). Additionally, the AICE and the Association of Imaging Technology and Sound (ITS) have formed a joint committee in order to discuss what they describe as "areas of commonality between the two organizations."
Commenting on the revised moniker, AICE national president Jeanne Bonansinga, editor/principal at Edit Sweet, Chicago, said a prime goal of the trade association is to raise awareness of editors’ creative prowess. "We think it [the new name] helps to further our cause of underscoring that creativity," she explained.
Meanwhile, a joint committee with ITS was initially discussed at the AICE national meeting held during the National Association of Broadcasters convention in Las Vegas this past April (SHOOT, 4/28). The formation of that committee was finalized last month.
Bonansinga said the committee was set up to investigate common ground between the two organizations and how they could work together to their mutual benefit. Three main areas of focus were identified: educational programs and events; legislative involvement; and manufacturer relationships.
Representing AICE on the committee are: Bonansinga; Tim McGuire, CEO, Cutters, Chicago; Lisa Hinman, president of Phoenix Editorial, San Francisco; and AICE executive director John Held. ITS members serving on the committee are: ITS president Terry Rainey; Doug Cheek, president of GTN, Oak Park, Mich.; Ginger Hall, CFO of Del Hall Video, Chicago; and Domenic Rom, executive VP, Du Art Film and Video Laboratories, New York.
Bonansinga stressed that the AICE had not entered into an alliance of any sort with the ITS, but instead had simply formed a committee to see where the two associations could best dovetail and help one another. A SHOOT phone call to ITS’ Rainey had not been returned at press time.
The AICE currently has 130 member companies nationally. In a bid to attract new members, it is also working on the launch of two additional chapters, one in Minneapolis and the other in Atlanta.
The AICE also intends to explore entering into a closer relationship with other industry associations, including the Association of Independent Commercial Producers (AICP).