Ford Motor Company/Ford Focus ZX3, ZX5 and ZTS.
Wild Brain, San Francisco.
Nicholas Weigel, director, "Speedball"; Gordon Clark, director, "Hula"; Denis Morella, director, "Dolls"; Mike Smith, senior creative director, "Speedball"; Jeff Fino, executive producer; Paul Golden, executive producer/commercials; Liz Gazzano, producer, "Dolls" and "Speedball"; Amy Capen, producer, "Hula"; Ben Fischler, lead technical director, "Dolls" and "Speedball"; Saira Mathew, lead technical director, "Hula"; Sam Hood, character designer, "Speedball"; David Brandt, character modeler, "Speedball"; Seryong Kim, car modeler, "Speedball" and CG modeler, "Dolls" and "Hula"; Lee Greenwood, character animator, "Speedball"; Raquel Coelho, CG animator, "Dolls"; John Volny, lighting and texturing technical director, "Speedball"; Bernard Ceguerra, lighting and compositing technical director, "Speedball"; Eric Schweikert, Mac/2-D technical director, "Speedball"; Scott Adams, Mac artist/color stylist, "Speedball"; J.T. O’Neal, 2-D effects artist, "Speedball"; Kevin Bell, digital ink and paint, "Speedball" and Mac artist, "Hula"; Jenninfer Stephenson, CG textures, "Dolls"; Nathan Stephens, Mac artist, "Dolls" and "Hula"; John Korellis, 2-D animator/boards, "Dolls"; Sasha Houdek, production manager, "Speedball"; Robert Valley, concept boards, "Hula"; Aaron Sorenson and Brad Rau, 2-D animators, "Hula"; Brian Fee, Amber MacLean, Sam Hood, Dick Hill and Billy Burger, assistant animators, "Hula"; Osamu Tsuruyama, layout, "Hula"; Danya O’Brien and Kenrick Walz, ink and paint, "Hula"; André Araujo, production manager, "Dolls" and "Hula."
J. Walter Thompson, Detroit.
Tom Robertson, partner/senior producer; Jon Parkinson, creative director; Bill Majewski, art director, "Speedball" and "Dolls"; Scott Whaley, art director, "Hula"; Merritt Fritchie, copywriter.
Wild Brain.
Ellen Shade, offline editor, "Speedball"; Alex Hauser, offline editor, "Dolls" and "Hula."
Wild Brain.
Alex Hauser, online editor, "Dolls" and "Speedball."
Spy Post, San Francisco.
Eric Hanson, online editor, "Hula."
Ron Rose Productions, Southfield, Mich.
Steve Atwell, mixer, "Speedball," "Hula" and "Dolls"; Marty Peters, mixer, "Hula."
Ear to Ear, Santa Monica.
Brian Banks, composer, "Hula" and "Speedball"; Gil Talmi, composer, "Hula"; Pete Lorimer, composer, "Speedball"; Amy Lyngos, executive producer.
tomandandy, bicoastal.
Ed Ma, composer; Tom Hajdu, creative director, "Dolls."
"Speedball" (:15) opens on the well-known "smiley face" icon, joyriding in a stylized cityscape. As it blasts forward, its iconic appearance becomes wind blown and its face begins to flap wildly, while the scene pulls back to reveal that the smiley face is actually a speedball mounted to the antenna of the new Ford Focus ZX3. In the :15 "Dolls," five colorful nesting dolls spiral into the air, propelling each one to separate from the others. They move and whirl into a futuristic environment which contains a Ford Focus ZX5. The dolls quickly load their suitcases into the trunk, jump into the car and zoom off. "Hula," a :15 spotlighting the Ford Focus ZTS, opens on a sexy woman gyrating with a hula hoop on her hip. As a ZTS zips along the road, the scene shifts inside the vehicle, revealing a driver and three friends who are enjoying the ride. The POV pulls back out of the car to reveal that the ZTS is zooming along on the woman’s hula hoop.
"Speedball" and "Dolls" broke Oct. 26, and "Hula" began airing Nov. 25.