Editorial house TuKi Edit has opened in Santa Monica, with a staff of four editors under the aegis of executive producer Jeff Beverly. The resident cutters are William Bullen, Richard Clark, Jeff Malmberg and Bill Yukich.
TuKi is the successor shop to longstanding edit company Bedlam. In fact, Bullen and Beverly are carryovers from Bedlam, while Clark, Malmberg and Yukich recently joined the new venture.
A native of New Zealand, Clark first established himself as an editor in Australia before relocating to the U.S. in the late 1980s. He has worked alongside directors such as Leslie Dektor of Hollywood-based Dektor Film, and Danny Ducovny of Venice, Calif.-based Cucoloris Films. Clark’s credits include spots for clients such as American Express, GMC, Ford, MasterCard, Land Rover, Virginia Power and BNSF Railways. Prior to joining TuKi, he freelanced via his own entity, Kiwi Café, Venice, which he continues to maintain for personal projects.
Former freelancer Yukich has worked primarily in the music video arena, where he’s cut clips for artists including Eminem, Lenny Kravitz, Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, Marilyn Manson, Moby and Everclear. His cut of "Out of Control" for the Chemical Brothers was an MVPA Award winner.
Malmberg, too, has most recently been freelancing. He has edited commercials for Polaroid, Nokia, Miller, Braun, and Tom Waits’ album "Mule Variations." A graduate of the film program at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Malmberg began his career as an assistant editor to Angus Wall at Rock Paper Scissors, Los Angeles, before becoming a full-fledged editor there. Subsequently, he worked as a freelance editor for such directors as Harald Zwart of Motion Blur, Santa Monica.
Bullen has edited commercials for BMW, Honda, Coke and Bud Light, as well as "We’re in this Together," a clip for the Nine Inch Nails. His "John Wooden" series of spots for adidas garnered a Belding Award from the Advertising Club of Los Angeles in 2000. Most recently, Bullen completed cutting the IMAX music documentary All Access: Front Row. Backstage. Live!, which was directed by Martyn Atkins and features artists like Sting and Sheryl Crow. The film is presented by Certs via J. Walter Thompson, New York, and opened nationally on April 6.
Formerly a producer at Saatchi & Saatchi LA, Torrance, Calif., Beverly joined Bedlam a year ago and was instrumental in the rebranding of the company. TuKi Edit is owned by former Bedlam principal Tony Selzer, who also owns post house Colorado FX, Santa Monica. Los Angeles-based Howell & Associates represents TuKi on the West Coast.