Independence Blue Cross.
Backyard Productions,
Venice, Calif.
Kevin Smith, director; Randy Arnold, DP; Blair Stribley, executive producer; Peter Steinzeig, head of production; Peter Keenan, line producer. Shot on location in Los Angeles.
Tierney Communications, Philadelphia.
Kelly Simmons, chief creative officer; Patrick Hardy, associate creative director/copywriter; Holly Fiss, associate creative director/art director; Peg Finucan, producer.
89 Editorial, New York.
Michael Coletta, editor; Megan Swados, assistant editor; Bob Cagliero, executive producer; Kris Polinsky, producer.
Company 3, New York.
Billy Gabor, colorist.
Headlight Design + Visual Effects, New York.
Steve Zourntos, Flame artist.
audioEngine, New York.
Carl Mandelbaum, mixer.
Music for Picture, New York.
Sammy Rubin, composer, "Mudpies"; Peter DuCharme, composer, "Forgetful"; Ben Davis, producer.
Three :30s (with :15 lifts) highlight that with Independence Blue Cross, one will be "so healthy that you’ll have more time to focus on other things." "Park Bench" shows two senior citizens comparing insufficiently dramatic aches such as a stubbed toe, while type points out the insurance provider’s programs (health coaches, flu shot reminders, disease management). "Mudpies" features a dad watering his lawn while his two young daughters engage in a mud-tossing incident (flexible plans, childhood obesity programs, coverage for uninsured children). And "Forgetful" focuses on a woman who has too much on her mind. As she attempts to start her day, she keeps returning through the front door to grab items she’s forgotten, such as the dry cleaning and her pet cat, which she places in its carrier. Outside, she puts the kitty carrier on the trunk, only to realize that she’s forgotten the keys to the car. She gets the keys, starts her car and only then does she realize that the cat is still on the trunk (local clinics, online health ed, mammogram reminders). The ads end with the tag, "You deserve it. Everyone deserves it."
Spots broke in November.