Manhattan-based production company Cutter Productions has added director Aubrey Smyth to its roster. Her notable work includes campaigns for Pantene Pro-V and TJ Maxx via Grey Advertising, a PSA entitled, “Little Leading Ladies” (in partnership with NYWIFT and Adorama), a Lipton Iced Tea spot that placed first at MoFilm’s international commercial competition, and a runner up Klondike spot, also in MoFilm’s commercial competition. Smyth’s signing with Cutter underscores the woman-owned company’s commitment to celebrating female creatives in the advertising and entertainment businesses. Most recently Cutter launched the first evening of “Cutter Connections,” a mentorship event where female creative professionals offer career advice to the next generation. The event included over 30 mentors, junior mentors, and mentees, and covered the experience and logistics of being a female in these challenging industries. Smyth is currently in development on her feature film Ginger with a Snap….
Traveling Picture Show Company (TPSC) announced that J.T. Petty (The Burrowers, Hellbenders, Gone: VR360) will direct the upcoming thriller, My Only Sunshine, which is based on a script he wrote with Kate Petty. Carissa Buffel, Kevin Matusow, and Steven Chester Prince of TPSC will finance and produce in association with Lawrence Mattis and Matt Smith of Circle of Confusion. CAA is packaging the project and will represent the North American rights, Mary Vernieu and Venus Kanani are currently casting with principal photography set to begin in early 2016 in Ottawa….