TBS, a division of Turner, has greenlit Storyville, a new digital animated series co-created by OkayPlayer. The network is also in development on Think B.I.G., a scripted series based loosely on lyrics by the late Notorious B.I.G. The two projects are the first to emerge from a new strategic content partnership between TBS & TNT and New York-based content and media organization Mass Appeal. TBS has ordered 10 episodes of Storyville, which is already in production. Created and produced by Mass Appeal in partnership with OkayPlayer, the digital animated series will feature funny, absurd, weird, and sometimes just sheer joyful stories straight from the mouths of top celebrities. Musicians, actors, comedians, writers and artists will tell true life stories which will be animated in rich detail, exposing the sheer absurdity of celebrity life in all of its glory. Storyville will premiere this fall across TBS digital and social platforms. Meanwhile Think B.I.G. is a scripted series chronicling the misadventures of an inner-city teen desperately trying to create a better future for his daughter and infant son. The plotlines for Think B.I.G. will be loosely based on the lyrics of Notorious B.I.G. The project is being produced and created by Mass Appeal, in partnership with Wayne Barrow of Bystorm Films and Voletta Wallace for Notorious B.I.G. Inc. TBS’ new projects are part of a larger deal with Mass Appeal, which has been creating content that reflects the American urban landscape since 1996. Under the agreement, Mass Appeal will develop original programming for TBS & TNT’s television and digital platforms, presenting concepts on an exclusive, first-look basis. Mass Appeal will also provide creative consultation on programming already in development, work with the networks in crafting original music solutions and licensing tracks from Mass Appeal Records; and developing music-themed specials and unscripted programs aimed at giving viewers an all-access pass to urban life….
Andrew Doga has been elevated to staff editor at bicoastal Union. With the company since 2009, Doga recently cut Hello From Home Mallory, one of three short documentary pieces for Hershey’s via Arnold Worldwide (the other two were cut by Union partner/editor Marco Perez). Hashtagged #HelloFromHome and directed by Tyler Manson of Caviar, the moving two-minute piece tells the story of a Team USA Paralympian who receives a Hershey’s care package containing a note from a hometown supporter. Leading up to the formal promotion at Union, Doga also edited a pair of documentary projects: “Diandra’s Story” for Burt’s Bees (via Baldwin&), and “Leland” for AVIS (via Leo Burnett/NY). He also co-edited (with Union’s Eric Argiro) the latest episode of the popular web series :DRYVRS. Titled “Bob’s Way Home,” the episode stars Rosanna Arquette and Tom Petty, and premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival. Before joining Union, Doga was a freelance assistant for that house and others, and a staff assistant editor at Version2, where he worked with Vito DeSario and with Sloane Klevin, now a partner/editor at Union….