Despite a devastating fire which gutted its Canoga Park, Calif., headquarters last week (8/23), special effects firm The Character Shop—which specializes in animatronics, makeup effects, puppets and robotics—is back up and running, having secured temporary quarters. According to its Web site, The Character Shop has already lined up some permanent workspace. The company has increased its crew to set up those new accommodations and simultaneously work on projects. The cause of the blaze was being investigated at press time. A Los Angeles Fire Department spokesman estimated the loss at $150,000 for structural damage and $400,000 for the contents. Headed by effects artist Rick Lazzarini, The Character Shop draws about half of its business from commercials. It is responsible for such creature creations as the Foster Farm chickens, the Budweiser frogs in the most recent series of ads for the brewer, and the blue alien Plato for Sony Walkman. "Spaceship," part of the Sony Walkman campaign, earned SHOOT Top Spot recognition earlier this summer. It was directed by Phil Morrison of bicoastal Epoch Films for Young & Rubicam, New York….Doug Harper, former senior producer at Young & Rubicam, Chicago, has embarked on a directing career, joining Santa Monica-based The Joneses….Version2 Editing, New York, has signed a deal to exclusively rep Red Square Editing, London, and cutters Tim Fulford, Rick Waller and Alex Hagon, in the U.S. Version2’s editing staff stateside includes Lin Polito, Mark Nickelsburg, Tina Mintus and Kevin Chicken, as well as owner Vito DeSario…. MTV Commercials, New York, has signed a deal to work on select spots with design house Psyop, New York…. Commercial production house Cognito Films—the Santa Monica house founded by executive producer Alan Landau—is about to embark on principal photography for its first feature film, Barstow 2008, directed by spot helmer Bob Morrow. The mockumentary is being produced via Cognito’s recently created independent feature film division….