Street Talk
Representing voice characters in video games, the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA) have reached a tentative agreement with video game publishers on a contract which provides union performers with a 36 percent increase in minimum wages over the next three-and-a-half years. SAG and AFTRA had sought residuals for voice characters but ultimately backed off that demandé.. Director Braden King, a documentary filmmaker, has joined Washington Square Films, New York, for commercials. At his new roost, King has already helmed a series of spots for the Partnership for a Drug-Free Americaé.Directing duo Roenberg has signed with U.K. house M-A-D-E. The deal came about as a result of the partnership arrangement between M-A-D-E and Paris-based DOG productions, which reps Roenberg in France. DOG is part of Luc Besson’s Europacorp Group. Roenberg are in postproduction on their first feature film, Bandidas, produced by Besson through Europacorp. The film stars Penelope Cruz and Selma Hayek. The Roenberg team maintains Oslo-based Motion Blur, which also has a stateside base of operationé.DP Tami Reiker received the Kodak Vision Award last week in recognition for her cinematography on the pilot episode of HBO’s Carnivale, directed by Rodrigo Garcia. Last year, Reiker’s work on Carnivale earned her an ASC outstanding achievement award. She recently wrapped principal photography on Mr. Woodcock, which stars Susan Sarandon and Billy Bob Thornton. Reiker is repped by Dattner Dispoto and Associates, Los Angelesé.Netflix Series “The Leopard” Spots Classic Italian Novel, Remakes It As A Sumptuous Period Drama
"The Leopard," a new Netflix series, takes the classic Italian novel by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa and transforms it into a sumptuous period piece showing the struggles of the aristocracy in 19th-century Sicily, during tumultuous social upheavals as their way of life is crumbling around them.
Tom Shankland, who directs four of the eight episodes, had the courage to attempt his own version of what is one of the most popular films in Italian history. The 1963 movie "The Leopard," directed by Luchino Visconti, starring Burt Lancaster, Alain Delon and Claudia Cardinale, won the Palme d'Or in Cannes.
One Italian critic said that it would be the equivalent of a director in the United States taking "Gone with the Wind" and turning it into a series, but Shankland wasn't the least bit intimidated.
He said that he didn't think of anything other than his own passion for the project, which grew out of his love of the book. His father was a university professor of Italian literature in England, and as a child, he loved the book and traveling to Sicily with his family.
The book tells the story of Don Fabrizio Corbera, the Prince of Salina, a tall, handsome, wealthy aristocrat who owns palaces and land across Sicily.
His comfortable world is shaken with the invasion of Sicily in 1860 by Giuseppe Garibaldi, who was to overthrow the Bourbon king in Naples and bring about the Unification of Italy.
The prince's family leads an opulent life in their magnificent palaces with servants and peasants kowtowing to their every need. They spend their time at opulent banquets and lavish balls with their fellow aristocrats.
Shankland has made the series into a visual feast with tables heaped with food, elaborate gardens and sensuous costumes.... Read More