Y2K is fast approaching and SHOOT-in dead-line for the new age-decided to give executive producers the chance to weigh in with the "last word" on what the past has been and what the future still holds for spot production. In other words, we conducted a survey on the issues production companies face as we approach the new century.
We asked participants to discuss whatever was on their minds, and to define the issues that they thought were most critical to the production community. Meanwhile, SHOOT staffers came up with our own list of important topics, just to get the ball rolling. These are:
The Squeeze: During this most recent slowdown in the spot business, we are seeing mid-range companies squeezed out of the action. Low-budget creative is now often being bid by blue chip directors at big houses, or by the young hotties at the latest-flavor boutiques. In other words, it appears that you either have to be really big or really small to survive these days.
The Freebie: Will the phenomenon of producing agency- and/or advertiser-initiated spec spots continue or fade away?
The Digi-Spot: Will production companies start shooting spots in hi-res digital, as some filmmakers are now doing with low-budget feature films? And how will HDTV affect the way commercials are produced in the future?
The Spread: In order to prosper in the new age, will production companies need to spread their wings and diversify into other areas? Will they offer creative services, feature film services, or more dramatically, will they expand into the interactive media marketplace?
Here is what our respondents had to say: