Director Matt Bieler, formerly with Serial Pictures, has joined production company RESET for commercial representation. Among his spot credits are Bose’s “Russell Wilson” and “NFL Anthem,” Brighthouse’s “First Dance,” Windhoek Lager’s “Drogba’s Journey” and adidas’ “What Light Can Do.” Bieler’s work additionally spans clients such as Apple, Samsung and Wells Fargo.
Bieler was featured in SHOOT’s 2012 New Directors Showcase and has since built a body of work that is both cinematic and poetic, but always rooted in the authentic across commercials, branded content films, and documentaries. In the latter discipline, Bieler helmed Words By Rakim, a lauded artistic portrait of the influential hip-hop artist.
And Bieler’s recent short 3 Queens is a deeply touching celebration of three moms in three different regions of the country as told through the eyes and voices of their children. The film was featured on BuzzFeed and The Huffington Post and has over 6 million views online between YouTube and Vimeo.
Bieler is based in Los Angeles.