David Naylor & Associates (DNA), Hollywood, has signed Keri Weber and Traci Meyer of Superglue, Los Angeles and San Francisco, for exclusive West Coast representation….Nancy Workman of New York-based Workman has taken on East Coast representation for Fuel, Santa Monica…..Metro Pictures, the Marina del Rey, Calif.-based house headed by executive producer Craig Farkas, has secured independent reps Connie Mellors and Doug Stieber to handle the West Coast and the Midwest, respectively….New York-based FFA (Fink Farhy Agency) has added Jared Shapiro as an agent. Shapiro was an account executive at Messner Vetere Berger McNamee Schmetterer/Euro RSCG, New York….Shadowrock Productions, Beverly Hills, has retained Chicago-based Danica Joseph for Midwest representation. She will rep Shadowrock’s full directorial roster-including Jeff Jones, Chris Blumm, Howard Deutch and Oscar Bassinson-as well as the company’s satellite, Film Neutron, also in Beverly Hills, which handles director Jay P. Morgan….The Mirisch Agency, Los Angeles, has signed DP Jacek Laskus for exclusive representation….