SANTA MONICA, Calif.-Pete Mayor has been promoted to visual effects artist at The Finish Line Ltd., a high-end commercial finishing house in Santa Monica. Mayor, who is proficient on both the Quantel Henry and the Flame, joined the facility as night operations manager when it opened its doors in August ’95. For much of the past year he has been an assistant Henry and Flame artist working with James Bygrave and Nancy Hyland, respectively. Hyland has since left to join 525 Studios, Santa Monica (SHOOT, 11/13/98, p. 7).
Prior to his association with The Finish Line, Mayor spent a year at Cimityart, a Los Angeles-based animation house. While there he was a production assistant working on a variety of projects including cartoons, commercials and movie trailers for Indian In The Cupboard, Species and Casino.
In his new capacity, Mayor has already been at work on several projects, including spots for UPS, Hamilton watches and Industrial Shoe Warehouse. He joins a visual effects roster at The Finish Line which also includes Henry artists Bygrave, Stan Kellam, Paul Song and Jon Mueller. Company president is Jack Schaeffer, with Sandy Baladino serving as VP and exec. producer.