The Television Academy has announced the newly elected members to the Board of Governors who will serve their two-year terms beginning on January 1, 2018 – December 31, 2019.
Governors elected to serve a first-ever two-year term are: Lesley Aletter, Brenda Brkusic, Jeff Calderon, Rich Carter, Terri Carter, John Debney, Keiren Fisher, Greg Kupiec, Eboni Nichols, Laurie Parres, Christopher Reeves, Glenn Rigberg, Jill Sanford, John Simmons, Halina Siwolop, Steven Spignese and Michael Spiller.
Governors elected to serve a new two-year term after a one or multiple-year absence from the Television Academy’s governing body are: Bob Bergen, Scott Boyd, Jason Rosenfield, Lori Schwartz and John Ziffren.
Additionally, governors re-elected to serve a second two-year term are: Frank Morrone, Jill Daniels, Peter Golden, Terry Ann Gordon, Steven Kent, Sam Linsky, Philip D. Segal and Mark Scott Spatny.
Animation Peer Group
Jill Daniels
Art Directors/Set Decorators
Halina Siwolop
Casting Directors
Peter Golden, CSA
Children’s Programming
Jill Sanford
Eboni Nichols
John Simmons, ASC
Rich Carter
Costume Design & Supervision
Terry Ann Gordon
Daytime Programming
Steven Kent
Michael Spiller
Documentary Programming
Jason Rosenfield
Interactive Media
Lori Schwartz
Lighting, Camera & Technical Arts
Jeff Calderon
Los Angeles Area
Brenda Brkusic
Makeup Artists/Hair Stylists
Terri Carter
Motion & Title Design
Greg Kupiec
John Debney
Bob Bergen
Picture Editors
Scott Boyd, ACE
John Ziffren
Production Executives
Keiren Fisher
Professional Representatives
Glenn Rigberg
Public Relations
Steven Spignese
Reality Programming
Philip D. Segal
Frank Morrone, CAS
Sound Editors
Christopher Reeves
Special Visual Effects
Mark Scott Spatny
Lesley Aletter
Television Executives
Sam Linsky
Laurie Parres