Sorrel Brae of Humble directed this web campaign in which each spot features an LGBT adult in a classroom setting, not only relating his or her life story and lessons learned but writing a synopsis of the main lesson on a chalkboard.
In “Jana,” we meet a young woman who hid the fact that she was gay. She concluded, “Hiding didn’t work for me. Hiding worked for my family.” The camera then reveals the lesson she wrote on the classroom chalkboard: “I learned to shine without permission.”
A voiceover intervenes: “What you know now can make a real difference for LGBT teens’ today. Gay it forward.”
The “Gay it forward” slogan is a mantra for The Homecoming Project initiative in which successful LGBT professionals connect with LGBT teens, inspiring and empowering youth to realize and take pride in their identities. The online spots drive traffic to, a website where more can be learned about The Homecoming Project.
In another spot, titled “Matt,” his chalk-written lesson is simply, “I learned that my happiness makes my family happy.”
Agency is Deutsch New York.
AI-Assisted Works Can Get Copyright With Enough Human Creativity, According To U.S. Copyright Office
Artists can copyright works they made with the help of artificial intelligence, according to a new report by the U.S. Copyright Office that could further clear the way for the use of AI tools in Hollywood, the music industry and other creative fields.
The nation's copyright office, which sits in the Library of Congress and is not part of the executive branch, receives about half a million copyright applications per year covering millions of individual works. It has increasingly been asked to register works that are AI-generated.
And while many of those decisions are made on a case-by-case basis, the report issued Wednesday clarifies the office's approach as one based on what the top U.S. copyright official describes as the "centrality of human creativity" in authoring a work that warrants copyright protections.
"Where that creativity is expressed through the use of AI systems, it continues to enjoy protection," said a statement from Register of Copyrights Shira Perlmutter, who directs the office.
An AI-assisted work could be copyrightable if an artist's handiwork is perceptible. A human adapting an AI-generated output with "creative arrangements or modifications" could also make it fall under copyright protections.
The report follows a review that began in 2023 and fielded opinions from thousands of people that ranged from AI developers, to actors and country singers.
It shows the copyright office will continue to reject copyright claims for fully machine-generated content. A person simply prompting a chatbot or AI image generator to produce a work doesn't give that person the ability to copyright that work, according to the report. "Extending protection to material whose expressive elements are determined by a machine ...... Read More