Mutt Film has brought Marc Corominas aboard its directorial roster for commercials, branded content and music videos–as well as advertising projects for the Hispanic market. His body of work includes commercials for brands like Audi, Toyota, Coca-Cola, PlayStation and the Foundation Against Drug Addiction. Having earned an Art Directors Club of Europe award for his Audi spot “Strelka’s Legacy,” Corominas most recently helmed the CME Group’s “Catch The Wave,” a hypervisual and effects-heavy ad for the financial American global markets company.
Mutt Film becomes Corominas’ first U.S. roost for representation covering general market commercial and music video content. Corominas was previously repped by 7 Santos for select Hispanic market assignments.
Mutt Film EP Beth George assessed, “Mark is phenomenally skilled and has truly honed a personal touch in all his brand work. He’s authentic in everything he does and knows instinctively how to get to the emotional core of every story.”
Corominas added that he was drawn to Mutt by its EPs Shannon Lords-Houghton and George, as well as the company’s roster of “dynamic talent.”
Barcelona-born and raised Corominas launched his love for filmmaking from early childhood, when he watched Sergio Leone’s Once Upon A Time In America at perhaps far too young an age. The action-packed story of gangsters, assassinations and drugs left an impression on Corominas and set him on his journey as a director, going on to study film at the University of Ramon Llull. In 2004 his personal project “Resized04” was selected for the prestigious RESfest film festival in New York, after which Corominas became a member of a directors’ collective in Barcelona where he experimented with new forms of expression.