Pat Weaver, formerly executive producer at Admusic, Santa Monica, has taken on the same role at Hollywood-based Musikvergnuegen, the music house founded by composer Walter Werzowa.
Her duties include overseeing music production, marketing and client relations, as well as being involved in long-term strategic planning. Werzowa related that Weaver has already made a mark at the company on a current orchestral assignment for PNC Bank via Arnold Communications, Boston. He described Weaver as being "a real asset in translating musical ideas into a language both our clients and composers can readily understand." John Luker is composing the PNC assignment. Musikvergnuegen’s lineup of staff composers consists of Werzowa, Luker and Bernhard Locker.
The diversity of projects at Musikvergnuegen—spanning spots, films, trailers, episodic TV, promos and other media—attracted Weaver to her new roost. She had been at Admusic since ’93, and was executive producer there for the last four years.
While there, Weaver produced music for numerous national television and radio ads, including Isuzu’s "Giant" for Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, San Francisco, which earned a Gold Clio for composer Steve Hampton. She also produced spot music for such advertisers as Nike, Mountain Dew, Jeep, Nintendo, Kellogg’s and Toyota. Additionally, Weaver oversaw public relations, marketing and advertising for Admusic.