View the spots and learn more about the companies and people behind the great range of music, sound design and audio post represented in the selections for this Fall’s SHOOT Top 10 Spot Tracks Chart.
SHOOT Top 10 Fall 2009 Spot Tracks Chart
Title | Music/Sound | Audio Post | Agency | Production | |
1 | California Milk Processor Board’s “Battle for Milkquarious” Rock Opera | Electric Six (Detroit-based rock band) | Lime Studios, Santa Monica | Goodby, Silverstein & | MJZ, |
2 | International Olympic | Brains & Hunch, London | Wave, London | Cole & Weber United, Seattle | Nexus Productions, London FX & Mat, directors |
3 | LG’s “Cars”(view spot below) | Q Department, New York | Sound Lounge, New York | Young & Rubicam, New York | Smuggler, bicoastal |
4 | U.S. Cellular’s | Squeak E. Clean Productions, Los Angeles | Eleven, Santa Monica Jeff Fuller, mixer | Publicis & Hal Riney, San Francisco | Anonymous Content, bicoastal Garth Davis, director |
5 | HBO’s “Imagine” campaign, “Art Heist Cube”(view spot below) | Search Party, New York | Sound Lounge, New York | Biscuit Filmworks, Los Angeles Noam Murro, director | |
6 | Nike’s | Nylon Studios, New York | Factory Studios, London | Wieden + Kennedy, London | Knucklehead, London Ben & Joe Dempsey, directors |
7 | The UPS Store’s “Storm” (view spot below) | Elias Arts, bicoastal | Sound Lounge, New York | Doner, Newport Beach, Calif. | Psyop, bicoastal |
8 | Ubisoft/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ “Smash Up”(view spot below) | Beacon Street Studios, Venice, Calif. | Lime Studios, Santa Monica | Pereira & O’Dell, | yU+co, Los Angeles |
9 | Turkcell’s | DeepMix, bicoastal | Kaiser Sound Studios, | Wieden+Kennedy, | HSI, bicoastal |
10 | U.S. Air Force’s “CSAR” | Singing Serpent, San Diego | POP Sound, Santa Monica | GSD&M Idea City, Austin, TX | MJZ, |
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