“I don’t have a problem. A friend dragged me here…Who doesn’t fall asleep at their desk and wake up covered in sticky notes with everyone pointing and laughing? Man, I do need help.”
“Snoozes, dozes, cat naps, regular naps, siestas. I took them all. Forty winks would become 80 winks, 80 would become 100, you know where it goes from there. But ever since I started eating breakfast at McDonald’s, I’ve been making progress. Nap free, that’s me.”
If either of these scenarios hits close to home, you may be morning impaired like these people. But don’t worry, they joined McDonald’s Society for the Morning Impaired to help them take back breakfast and now you can too at www.morningimpaired.com, A Spanish language and Hispanic consumer-centric site, www.levantateya.com, has also been launched. Dallas-based Moroch Partners and iNSPIRE! created the sites.
“We feel both of these sites embody the fun and youthful spirit of McDonald’s, yet do so in a witty and hip manner that truly resonates with our tech-savvy society. Beyond the sites there are English and Spanish language television and radio spots, Internet banner ads, outdoor, point of purchase materials and a mobile component,” explained Jerome Elenez, McDonald’s Southwest marketing director.
“McDonald’s has a wide selection of breakfast offerings that get people started with their day; Morning Impaired and Levantate Ya help us connect with our customers in a light-hearted way, to help everyone get the best of their mornings.”
In addition to highlighting the choices and convenience of McDonald’s breakfast menu, the site has many “sticky factors”–the first being the Society Member testimonials–according to Rob Boswell, president and COO of Moroch. Visitors can click on the 13 various members of the society to hear their tale of what makes them morning impaired.
Take Mike for example…”I’m proud to say I’ve been awake before noon eight days and counting, except for last Tuesday and last Thursday, and Saturday and Sunday weren’t my fault. But I’m working on it. Thanks for all your support.”
The site also offers an explanation of what morning impairment is and what symptoms to be aware of–grogginess, oversleeping and bed head. An academic shares his own tale about how in studying laziness and all its forms he discovered morning impairment.
In a fun twist, McDonald’s is giving participants a chance to be featured on the site.
Visitors can submit a video saying what makes them morning impaired for a chance to win and be featured on the Morning Impaired Web site. Three winners will be selected throughout the year for each site and will sit amongst the current Society for Morning Impaired members. The first winner will be selected April 16.
Test Your Reflexes
Visitors can also test their reflexes at the Morning Impaired testing lab by playing a game to see how fast they can hit the snooze button on the alarm clock. There’s even a section where users can download inspirational wall papers.
“Lastly would be all the hidden ‘Easter eggs’ within the site,” Boswell said. “It’s always fun when you can look around the site for hidden treasures, like the rooster walking around the room.”
Boswell is referring to the rooster that appears while you’re listening to member testimonials . It connects users to the wallpaper section. There are also coffee cups you can click on which bring visitors to a section that explains how the restaurant chain is now adding cream and sugar to its coffee in yet another blow to morning impairedness. Or click on the McDonald’s bag to connect to a comprehensive menu to help visualize the ways to tackle morning impairedness.
While supplies last, everyone who visits the site can heal their “Morning Impairedness” by receiving a free Sausage McGriddles® sandwich just for signing up and becoming a member of the Society for the Morning Impaired.
Morning Impaired members in participating markets can also receive additional offers from the Society for the Morning Impaired on their cell phones. Members who opt-in can receive secret codes in their e-mail that, when texted in to 44360, will provide additional values at participating McDonald’s.
The campaign will run in 44 U.S. media markets and more than 3,800 restaurants.
“I would have to say the most rewarding thing about the campaign is that we’re giving people free food and 15 minutes of fame,” said Boswell.