AUGUST 18, 1995/Boss Film Studios, Marina del Rey, Calif., has shut down its commercial division, which was headed by senior VP of production Ellen Somers…. Judge Dredd and The Young Americans director Danny Cannon has joined bicoastal RSA USA for exclusive spot representation….RGA/LA, the sister studio of New York-based R/Greenberg Associates, is restructuring itself to focus on graphic design and new-media projects, rather than visual effects for features….
AUGUST 24, 1990/Director David Lynch’s four Calvin Klein "Obsession" spots, produced by Los Angeles-based Propaganda Films and via Chiat/Day/Mojo, also Los Angeles, broke nationally last week….DP Robert Richardson, who has shot several features for director Oliver Stone, makes his debut as a spot director this week with two PSAs for anthropological group Cultural Survival via Hill, Holliday, Connors Cosmopulos, Boston…. Director/DP Ron Phillips has joined BeauVison, Los Angeles, after recently closing his Santa Monica-based company Luminaire Productions….
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