Fish bone film, the shop launched 10 months ago by executive producer Rick Fishbein (SHOOT, 6/19/98, p. 7), has been merged into Green Dot Films, the two-year-old production house that maintains a directorial roster comprised of company founder Brent Thomas, Marc Chiat and Karsten Hose. The move ends Green Dots quest for an exec. producer, satisfied by Fishbein, and brings fish bone director Mark Reber to the company.
At press time, Fishbein was phasing out fish bone and relocating his operation to Green Dots Santa Monica premises. He explained that several factors prompted his decision, including the recent departure of director Jay Vigon to Rhythm & Hues Studios, Los Angeles (SHOOT, 3/26, p. 1). Vigon was fish bones lead spotmaker, meaning that Fishbein would have had to find a suitable replacement to properly maintain the studio. But before embarking on that pursuit, the opportunity at Green Dot presented itself, enabling Fishbein to link with a pair of established directors, Thomas and Chiat, while also being able to help build the careers of up-and- comers Reber and Hose.
Also drawing Fishbein to Green Dot was his long-standing friendship with Thomas, which dates back to when he served as a freelance production manager for the director, then at bicoastal Coppos Films, in the late 80s. The two have kept in touch regularly ever since, including when Fishbein was freelance producing for other directors at the Coppos studio during the 90s.
Thomas had been seeking an exec. producer since Michael King exited in November 98. In the interim, head of production Sue Crain had been filling the exec. producer void. Crain came over to Green Dot last summer with director Chiat, having been his exec. producer at Red Dog Films, a shop that is no longer involved in spots (SHOOT, 7/17/ 98, p. 1). Thomas explained that Crain didnt want to become the permanent exec. producer, and that someone of Fishbeins experience was needed to help orchestrate the planned growth of the company.
One of Fishbeins first responsibilities will be to bring in a staff head of sales for Green Dot. That person will help assemble a new team of reps. Still to be determined, said Thomas, is whether that team will consist of staffers, independent reps or a mix of both.
Thomas latest directorial credits include spots for Subaru of America from Temerlin McClain Advertising, Irving, Texas, U.S. West for DDB Needham Chicago and Aleve out of BBDO Chicago. He is currently in pre-pro on an Arbor Mist job for Partners & Shevack/Wolf, New York.
Among Chiats recent credits are MoneyGram for Campbell Mithun Esty, Minneapolis, H&R Block from Young & Rubicam, Chicago, and Comcast via Earle Palmer Brown, Philadelphia. Hes now in pre-pro on an Aprilla assignment for BDDP SPA, Milan.
Hose-who joined Green Dot on the strength of a spec reel-has just wrapped his first real-world assignment, a spot for The Wherehouse via Colby Effler & Partners, Santa Monica. And Reber has completed a Shoneys restaurant spot for Los Angeles agency Italia/Gal. The Shoneys ad could prove to be the last job under the fish bone banner, though another possible project was pending at press time.