1) Yes, we are accepting permit applications for cast/crews no larger than 12 people which can meet our guidelines found at our website, https://filmsf.org/.
2) Film SF/San Francisco Film Commission is issuing permits to productions seeking to engage in film production within San Francisco in accordance with the Order of the Health Officer provided productions are able to meet the following guidelines:
- Crew, cast, and personnel on location is limited to the fewest number of people needed (up to a maximum of 12 people).
- All crew, cast, and personnel on location must comply with social distancing, face covering, and sanitation requirements as noted in the Order of the Health Officer.
- If filming outdoors, talent can remove face covering while filming but must remain 6 feet from other talent, crew, personnel, and the public at all times (see question below regarding May 28 order). Note: singing is not allowed outdoors unless the singer is at least 30 feet from all crew, cast, personnel, and public. If filming indoors, the location must be (and remain) closed to the public in addition to the applicable requirements noted above. Note: no one is allowed to remove face coverings for interior locations, including talent, under the current Order of the Health Officer and singing is not allowed indoors.
- Cast, crew, and personnel arriving to/from location must wear facial coverings and maintain 6 feet distance, to the extent possible, from each other while in transit. If traveling in a vehicle, windows should be left open whenever possible to increase ventilation.
- Productions will need to fill out a detailed questionnaire about their filming request that includes specifics about each location.
- Productions will need to submit a health and safety plan prior to permit issuance. The plan must be posted and distributed to all personnel prior to start of production.
- Productions will designate a person on-site to monitor the health and safety plan.
- Productions must give FilmSF this contact information prior to permit issuance. The plan should include, but is not limited to, signage and education, personnel protection and sanitation requirements.
- Productions must also give the personnel screening handout DAILY to all cast, crew, and personnel who work on productions.
You can find the screening handout here: https://www.sfdph.org/dph/alerts/files/COVID19-Personnel-Screening-Handout-EN.pdf
3) Yes, as we are not looking more closely at the set up at each location so we know that the crew, cast and public are being protected. Our detailed questionnaire for each location helps us see quickly how a production plans to handle things and helps us approve permits more quickly.
4) We’ve had a lot of commercials, still shoots and web content shoots, which have gone very smoothly. We are open to longer form productions and are working to expand our guidelines for crew sizes. We are working with the Health Officer to look at this currently. 5) There are differences throughout California as to the size of cast and crew and whether interior filming is allowed with talent without masks.
6) I would look to San Francisco as a very safe place to film, given our numbers and also our guidelines we have in place. And I would encourage everyone to wear masks, social distance and use good sanitation practices so that we can get to the other side of this situation sooner rather than later.