1) 2017 is going to be the year in which we see the first wave of customized content which taps into the partitioning power of vast big data networks. It will start small but programmatic advertising will have implications well beyond the confines of media buying. What’s so exciting about that to me as a creator is that we will finally take the first steps towards being able to speak directly to each individual member of the audience in a way that’s personal to them.
2) We founded Bullitt just three years ago with the belief that entertainment would become a central driver for global brand messaging and a mission to provide our partners with the very best the world of entertainment has to offer. We are constantly asking ourselves how we can better accomplish that, but our mission remains the same. As 2017 begins we are excited to see that brands truly are embracing the power of entertainment as a platform to drive brand identity and promote values. These are the two most enduring aspects of a messaging campaign in the eyes of a consumer because they are how your audience connects on an emotional level with what you are saying… Do they identify with who you are? Do they believe the same things? If the answers are “yes” then you have a bond that is incredibly difficult to break.
3) That China is one of the most forward-thinking markets in the world. The country has matured in a fully digital age and is unconstrained by the legacy thinking that, in many ways, still holds other parts of the world back—it’s a perfect example of the leap-frog effect. In 2016 we formed a number of strategic alliances with top tier media and advertising companies within China to expand our presence there.
4) I kind of feel like the New Years resolution is the kiss of death for actually achieving something you want. Achievement comes from a never ending desire to accomplish something. So, I don’t actually have a ‘resolution’ per se, but I would love to run a 6-minute mile again ๐