The Disney Channel’s original musical comedy movie Spin is full of the type of color palettes expected of a story that follows an Indian American 15-year-old–played by Avantika–who discovers her artistic side through the unique world of DJ culture, and learns she has a passion for creating mixes that blend the textures of her Indian heritage and the world around her. To help show off the beauty of that world, cinematographer Jeremy Benning CSC and director Manjari Makijany selected the Cooke Optics S7/i Full Frame Plus for this large format production.
Spin was shot in Toronto and other areas around Ontario, Canada, using three ARRI ALEXA Mini LF cameras. Benning observed that the “Cooke lenses, especially the larger S7s, have great bokeh with roll-off, smoothness and distortion that works well for faces. They’re also great at separation of foreground and background, giving a 3D type look.”