Kaboom Productions has added Malek Haneen to its directorial roster. This marks the first representation for the director who’s worked independently for such brands as Nike, PlayStation, Under Armour, Pabst Blue Ribbon and PowerAde.
Haneen’s life has been informed by a combination of art, science and technology. After studying film at USC, Haneen came to directing by way of cinematography. He spent time traveling around the country working on film and television, before moving to Portland, Ore., where he collaborated with Nike and music artists The Shins, among others, while working on his own scripts. He recently relocated to Los Angeles.
“I was immediately captivated by Malek’s work–it’s beautiful and genuine, authentic and contemporary, and tremendously relevant to the work out there right now,” assessed Kaboom EP/owner Lauren Schwartz. “When we met in person, we quickly connected on a shared vision and passion for producing interesting work and the human connection to brand.”
Haneen defines his collaborations with agencies and clients as an investigation of theme to convey the message. He said of his new roost, “I am a big believer in finding the right people to be surrounded by, and Kaboom–and Lauren in particular–is a community of people who care about what they do and how they do it.”
Kaboom maintains operations in San Francisco and L.A.