Multiple award-winning Swedish director Filip Nilsson has joined Blink and Skunk for U.K. and U.S. representation, respectively. He is behind such lauded work as Volvo’s “Technician” and “Hook,” two films in the Volvo Trucks’ “Live Tests” campaign produced by Stockholm-based Folke Film for Forsman & Bodenfors, Stockholm, which won the Cannes Lions 2014 Cyber Grand Prix. The third high profile entry in the Volvo Trucks campaign was “Epic Split” directed by Andreas Nilsson of Folke Film.
Nilsson is a founder (with Johan Tappert and Tobias Bergman) of Folke Film and has directed spots for clients including Gevalia, Marabou, SPP, and the Ottawa Citizen. He has also directed music videos for Royksopp, John de Sohn and Peter Bjorn & John.
Recently, Nilsson directed commercials for Sony Headphones through DDB Toronto, and Statoil for SMFB Norway. The former Sony piece, titled “Ear Crunches” and produced via OPC Toronto, shows a man exercising his ears in preparation for hearing music as part of the Sony Hi-Res audio experience. “Ear Crunches” earned inclusion into SHOOT’s “The Best Work You May Never See” gallery (SHOOTonline, 12/1/14).
James Bland, executive producer of Blink, said of his new director addition, “Since discovering Filip’s work in music videos and following his trajectory, it was clearly the time to get involved with this hilarious, talented and annoyingly handsome Swede. He’s got that special vision that can bring a film to life. We can’t wait to get started.”
Skunk EP Matt Factor added, “It’s rare to introduce such a talented director to the U.S. marketplace.”