Director Chace Strickland, known for his authentic lifestyle and warm family oriented work, has returned to Backyard Productions for commercial representation in the U.S. The move reunites him with his longtime friends, original founder/managing director Roy Skillicorn, EP Kris Mathur, and Backyard’s Midwest rep, Nathan Skillicorn (who represented Strickland’s own production company a couple of years back).
Strickland signed with Roy Skillicorn and Backyard in the mid-’90s as one of the company’s first directors and was a major contributor to its success for many years. He left Backyard after Roy Skillicorn sold his ownership in 2011. Strickland then started his own company, Room Service, and hired Roy’s son, Nathan Skillicorn, to handle representation.
Strickland began freelance directing again in 2018, and had always kept in touch with Nathan and Roy Skillicorn. When the latter agreed to return to Backyard and join new president Kevin Allodi, Strickland began sending them his newest work that exhibited a fresh, developing look and style. Both were impressed, as was Backyard’s sales teams.
“When I first signed with Backyard, it felt like I had been adopted into a family as soon as I walked through the door,” recalled Strickland. “The place and people had a positive, nurturing and caring energy. Kevin, Kris and Roy have done it again–and it’s good to be home.”
Strickland added, “My path has always been the same…trying to find and capture honest and visually genuine realism. Sometimes it just happens…sometimes you have to re-create it, but either way, the viewer knows it when they see it and it touches them emotionally.”