Commercial and feature filmmaker Ashley Avis has joined Backyard’s directorial roster for spot and branded content representation in the U.S. Backyard’s managing director Roy Skillicorn brought Avis over from his ongoing indie shop Seed Media Arts which had previously handled her in the ad arena.
Avis has written and directed for blue chip brands including Mercedes-Benz, Pfizer, Red Bull, Coca Cola, Envya, Lone Ones, and most recently, Chevrolet.
Avis’ latest film, a troubled teen romance, Adolescence, edited by Oscar nominated Douglas Crise (Birdman, Babel) and starring Tommy Flanagan and Elisabeth Rohm, is expected to hit theaters this fall. Avis has recently signed on to write and direct a $20M modern day adaptation of Anna Sewell’s classic novel, “Black Beauty.”
In between feature projects Avis loves the challenge of shorter form commercialmaking and branded entertainment. ”Backyard’s long-standing presence and experience in the commercial ad world, plus their recent expansion into digital/branded content, are a great fit for the direction I want to pursue and I welcome the many opportunities they seek,” said Avis who added that she’s excited over the prospects of “working with Roy and his highly regarded, talented and enthusiastic troupe of producers at Backyard.”
Kevin Allodi, president of Backyard assessed, “Ashley is a wonderfully talented director who brings the same narrative sensibility to her commercial work as she does to her film projects, and she edits the vast majority of her commercial work herself —she’s the whole package.”
Skillicorn said of Avis, “With her success in the feature world, Ashley sets the stage to help foster that interdisciplinary culture that we seek. Ashley’s presence will also positively impact the company because of her caring attitude and her willingness to both share and receive knowledge.”